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What Are Common Injuries in a Car Accident?

Posted on 08/12/24

Car accidents cause serious injuries in many cases. Though fender benders may not, those who suffer a serious car accident may face physical and emotional injuries due to the force, impact, and overall type of vehicles involved. Consider some of the most common injuries caused by serious car accidents. When you are injured in a wreck, talk to a Buffalo car accident lawyer from Towey Law, PLLC.

Head Injuries

Any head injury can be a serious one. Traumatic brain injuries are some of the most worrisome because they mean there is some type of trauma to the brain. This could include an object piercing the skull and brain. Additionally, a hard blow to the head can cause concussions, which occur when the brain slams against the sides of the skull, creating damage. A Buffalo brain injury lawyer can help by connecting you with top-notch medical professionals and recovering compensation.

Back Injuries

Back injuries may include sprains and strains. Some of the most serious injuries are spinal cord-related injuries. These can cause partial or full paralysis in some people. For some, it may be possible to continue to heal, but for others, it may mean a lifetime of disability. You shouldn’t have to pay for these costly treatments. A Buffalo spinal cord injury lawsuit can help you pay for treatments and lifelong care that is needed.


Disfigurement injuries involve any type of permanent damage to you. Burns are a common cause of scarring, for example. Other times, it may be due to amputation if you lost a limb as a result of a car accident. Hitting your head can cause serious facial injuries.

Broken Bones

The impact and force of the vehicles colliding can cause broken bones. Some are clean breaks that heal well. Others are complicated fractures and may even be due to crushing damage. These take longer to recover from and may never heal fully.

Joint Injuries

Knees, shoulders, elbows, and other joints are often at risk in car accidents, especially if the accident causes serious impact. Joint injuries can result in broken bones but also complex damage to tissues, ligaments, and cartilage. This may make it difficult to use those areas in the future.

Lacerations and Wounds

Lacerations to the skin can cause serious injury to many individuals. The wounds can be deep, causing nerve and muscle damage. Other items, wounds can become infected. One type of wound injury from car accidents is road rash, which occurs when a person’s skin is dragged on the pavement, causing embedded stones and serious injury. These are also at a higher risk for infections.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Emotional injuries are a common type of injury after a car accident. Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, may require mental health care to help you regain confidence and peace of mind. More so, handling the emotional trauma, including depression, may be critical to being able to regain your quality of life.

Serious injuries after car accidents can lead to long-term recovery. Some are catastrophic injuries, meaning they alter the way you live due to a lack of mobility or loss of senses like vision or sight. In all situations, your injuries must be fully understood, including what they are and how well they will improve before you can settle your Buffalo personal injury case with the at-fault party for the full compensation you are owed.