Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have become commonplace among Buffalo residents and visitors. These companies offer a quick and convenient way to get rides to and from events where you may be drinking or have bad parking situations. However, when you have an accident that involves a driver for one of these services, the
Determining liability in Buffalo truck accident cases is crucial. We must identify the liable party if we are going to file a claim with the insurance company and pursue a truck accident lawsuit. We are going to need to conduct a detailed investigation into the cause of your truck accident and collect powerful supporting evidence
After a car accident, it is critical to understand your rights to compensation. There is a statute of limitations on how long you have to take legal action. However, taking action too quickly could lead to limited compensation for currently unknown losses. Likewise, waiting too long could lead to missing evidence or a lack of
Car accidents cause serious injuries in many cases. Though fender benders may not, those who suffer a serious car accident may face physical and emotional injuries due to the force, impact, and overall type of vehicles involved. Consider some of the most common injuries caused by serious car accidents. When you are injured in a
After any accident, fault must be established so victims can recover the compensation they need. This includes T-bone, or sideswipe, collisions. When a T-bone accident happens in New York, it is not uncommon for individuals to sustain major injuries due to the decrease in the level of protection afforded by the sides of the vehicle.
Rear-end vehicle accidents are more than just a nuisance. Not only can they lead to injuries and property damage, but establishing liability is often more challenging than people realize. Generally, it’s understood that a rear driver will be at fault for a rear-end accident, but it’s more complex than that. There needs to be an
Chain reaction collisions are nightmares for a variety of reasons. Not only can these incidents lead to significant injuries and major property damage for those impacted, but the process of recovering compensation can be immensely challenging. Establishing liability after a chain reaction collision is essential but may involve more investigation and evidence gathering than a
Getting in an uninsured motorist accident in Buffalo is more than a nuisance. An uninsured motorist accident can lead to several complications for victims. Even though New York is a no-fault auto insurance state, drivers are still responsible for turning to their own insurance for property damage coverage. Additionally, if drivers or passengers sustained a
Experiencing the symptoms of PTSD can be debilitating. Vehicle accident victims often suffer from PTSD symptoms during the weeks, months, and even years after the incident occurs. The trauma of experiencing an accident and subsequent injuries, as well as the recovery process, can be daunting. Here, we want to discuss some of the common PTSD
Operating a scooter in the state of New York requires operators to be licensed and the scooter to be registered and insured. There can be some confusion about what actually classifies as a scooter and what would classify as a moped or other similar type of low-speed vehicle. Here, we want to discuss license, insurance,