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Buffalo Intersection Accident Lawyer

Every time you enter an intersection, there is a risk of an accident. If the cars across from you or to your left or right are not paying attention, it puts you at risk of a serious accident with profound injuries. Work with a Buffalo intersection accident lawyer if you have suffered injuries in such an accident. Let the Buffalo car accident lawyer at Towey Law PLLC guide you.

What Makes Intersection Accidents in Buffalo Dangerous?

Accidents at intersections are very common. They occur for many reasons but are often preventable. Data shared by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates that about 40% of all motor vehicle accidents happen within intersections across the country. This happens for many reasons, including:

  • Distraction of one or more drivers
  • Intoxication of a driver
  • Fatigue
  • Speeding or reckless operation of a vehicle
  • Mechanical failures
  • Failure to yield

Traffic intersections are often highly risky areas because there are cars traveling in multiple directions at one time. Speeding and traffic congestion can be a problem. There are also bike riders and pedestrians to consider.

How to Determine Who Is At Fault for an Intersection Accident

One of the other reasons to utilize a Buffalo intersections accident lawyer is because proving fault can be a challenge. It is not always clear who caused the accident. There are some situations in which both parties think they have the right of way. Your Buffalo personal injury attorney will help analyze what is actually the truth by considering factors such as:

  • Eyewitness statements
  • Evidence from the crash, such as damage and debris
  • Video cameras and photos of the accident
  • Truck logs may offer insight
  • Accident reconstruction services
  • Accidents and medical experts

Proving that negligence occurred requires careful consideration of whether the other driver owed you a duty of care and breached it and whether that caused the accident that led to your injury. Proving each of these areas is challenging, but your intersection accident lawyer from Towey Law can help you do so.

How a Buffalo Intersections Accident Lawyer Can Help You

With the guidance of a Buffalo drowsy driving attorney, you may be better able to pursue compensation for your losses in such accidents. Our legal team will help you with all aspects of the process, including:

  • Gathering evidence to prove who is at fault during the accident, including showing that you were not at fault if that is possible to do
  • Building your case with evidence to document all of the losses you endured as a result of the negligence of the other person
  • Creating accident reconstruction images that help show what must have happened and who is to blame
  • Negotiating with the insurance company about all of your claim details while protecting your rights throughout this legal process
  • Going to trial to fight for you if the insurance company fails to provide you with fair compensation as they should

The complexities of these cases make it beneficial to hire a trusted and experienced legal team to guide you. Do not settle without speaking to a Buffalo distracted driving accident lawyer to verify you are getting all of the compensation owed to you.

Contact Our Buffalo Intersections Accident Lawyer for Guidance

When you are up against injuries and insurance companies, you need an ally. Allow our Buffalo intersections accident lawyer at Towey Law PLLC to build your case for you. Schedule a free consultation now.