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Posted on 03/06/24

New York State has some of the top roads for riding your motorcycle, whether you are interested in riding up to the Adirondacks or prefer riding along the Appalachian mountain ranges, there is no denying the exhilaration that comes with taking your motorcycle out on a gorgeous day. However, whether you currently own a motorcycle

Posted on 02/28/24

Blunt-force trauma to the head can cause devastating traumatic brain injuries that lead to long-term disabilities. Blunt-force trauma to the head can occur in any situation where a person’s head collides with a moving or fixed object, and it can happen in any type of environment. Here, we want to discuss how blunt-force head trauma

Posted on 02/27/24

MCS-90 is an insurance endorsement carried by commercial trucking companies or independent owner-operators. This insurance endorsement is not well known outside of the general trucking industry, but it is designed to help individuals recover guaranteed compensation after an accident occurs, even if there are issues with an overall injury claim. In the event the insurance

Posted on 02/26/24

If you sustain an injury, perhaps in a vehicle accident or as a result of a property owner’s negligence, you may be able to recover compensation. The majority of Buffalo personal injury claims are resolved not through settlements with an insurance carrier, but the reality is insurance carriers can make it difficult to recover compensation.

Posted on 02/20/24

New Yorkers use buses for transportation in a variety of ways, including covering short distances as well as long-distance travel across the state and throughout the country. Unfortunately, when bus accidents occur, individuals involved can sustain significant injuries. Here, we want to review some of the most common causes of bus accidents in Buffalo. How

Posted on 02/15/24

If you live in Buffalo or come to visit regularly, understanding dog bite laws can be beneficial. This is true whether or not you have a dog of your own. If you or somebody you care about sustains a dog bite injury in the Buffalo area, you should know what the laws are so that

Motorcycle helmets save lives, and the state of New York requires any person operating a motorcycle to wear a helmet that meets or exceeds standards set forth by the US Department of Transportation. Here, we want to examine NY’s motorcycle helmet law and discuss the requirements a helmet must meet to meet the requirements. If

The state of New York is one of a few states around the country that operates a “no-fault” insurance system concerning vehicle accidents. This means that insured individuals will typically receive reimbursement after an accident from their insurance carrier, regardless of which party caused the incident. Here, we want to examine what the New York