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Blunt-Force Head Trauma Injuries Explained

Posted on 02/28/24

Blunt-force trauma to the head can cause devastating traumatic brain injuries that lead to long-term disabilities. Blunt-force trauma to the head can occur in any situation where a person’s head collides with a moving or fixed object, and it can happen in any type of environment. Here, we want to discuss how blunt-force head trauma injuries occur and whether or not victims can recover compensation with the help of a Buffalo traumatic brain injury lawyer when they do.

What Causes Blunt-force Head Trauma Injuries?

Blunt-force head trauma injuries can occur in a multitude of settings, each with its own set of risks and outcomes. Here are some common causes:

  • Accidents. Car accidents are a leading cause of blunt-force head trauma, where the sudden stop of a vehicle or collision with another object can cause the head to hit something hard like a steering wheel or window.
  • Fall Accidents. Falls, especially in the elderly, can result in similar injuries when the head makes contact with the ground or another hard surface.
  • Sports injuries. Contact sports such as football, hockey, lacrosse, and boxing pose a high risk of head injuries due to collisions and falls. Despite the use of protective headgear, the risk cannot be entirely eliminated.
  • Physical assaults. Attacks involving punches, kicks, or strikes with objects can cause significant head injuries. Such incidents might occur in personal disputes, criminal assaults, or during episodes of domestic violence.
  • Workplace incidents. Jobs that involve working from heights, with machinery, or in environments where falling objects are a risk can lead to head injuries. Construction workers, for example, are particularly vulnerable to such injuries.
  • Accidental hits. Everyday activities can sometimes lead to head injuries, such as hitting one’s head on a low ceiling, being struck by a swinging door, or falling objects from a shelf.

Potential Outcomes of Blunt-Force Trauma to the Head

Blunt-force trauma to the head is classified as mild, moderate, or severe. A person’s symptoms will vary widely depending on the severity of the injury and other factors, including how quickly they receive medical care. Unfortunately, even a mild traumatic brain injury caused by blunt-force trauma can lead to major physical and sensory symptoms. More moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries can lead to devastating consequences.

Some of the most common symptoms associated with blunt-force trauma to the head include:

Physical Signs:

  • Unconsciousness lasting from a few minutes to several hours
  • Continuous or intensifying headache
  • Frequent vomiting or persistent nausea
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Enlargement of the pupil(s) in one or both eyes
  • Leakage of clear fluids from the ears or nose
  • Difficulty waking from sleep
  • Numbness or weakness in the digits (toes and fingers)
  • Impaired coordination

Cognitive or Psychological Signs:

  • Severe confusion
  • Aggression, combativeness, or other abnormal behavior
  • Speech difficulties or incoherence
  • Entering a coma or experiencing altered states of consciousness

Can Blunt-force Trauma Victims Receive Compensation?

Those who sustain traumatic brain injuries may be able to recover compensation if the negligent actions of another party caused the injury. A skilled Buffalo car accident lawyer can review the evidence of the claim and help determine the best route toward recovering the much-needed compensation. This could come through an insurance settlement or as a result of a Buffalo personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party, and the coverage can include compensation for medical expenses, lost wage replacement, pain and suffering damages, and other losses associated with the brain injury.